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Alkaline accumulator batteries implemented for urban electric transport
The accumulator batteries implemented for subway, trams, and trolleybuses meet both a cost- effective investment and the same technical characteristics for whole service life.
The accumulator batteries are used for ground and underground transport vehicles, and trolleybus self-contained motion as a continuous current source with medium and long-lasting discharge mode. The accumulator batteries differ in a long-term holding of the same charge. They deliver a good performance at a wide temperature range and can be recharged with the fixed voltage.
Accumulator batteries implemented for subway
The KL70P and KL80P range is mostly implemented for the subway. They are used for a rolling stock control circuit system. We are experienced in the implementation of the KL125P – KL140P range on the modified railway cars and electric network.
Accumulator batteries implemented for trams
The KL125P accumulator as a mostly applicable one for trams is used for uplifting the pantograph, powering a low-voltage circuit, emergency opening the doors, and emergency lighting.
Accumulator batteries implemented for trolleybuses
The KL70P accumulator is used for powering a low-voltage circuit, emergency opening the doors, and emergency lighting.
Accumulator batteries for a trolleybus’ self-contained motion
In a working partnership with qualified personnel of “Bogdan Motors” Company, we successfully implemented the Project on a self-contained motion for trolleybus of 701.17 range.
Currently, this range of trolleybuses is successfully operated by “Kyivpastrans” and has great feedback. The accumulator batteries 60 KH 50P and 2x60KH 50P of the KH range were also utilized for the Project.
The maintenance of the accumulator batteries produced by LLC ADS is targeted at a cutdown in spending through a whole operational cycle.
The accumulator batteries implemented for trams and trolleybuses are resistant to the differential temperatures, a significant electrical and workloads, and are able to be operated with rapid charge and high-current discharge. The accumulator batteries maintained for many years are able to hold the same capacities and technical parameters.
The case of accumulator batteries implemented in tram and trolleybus is fabricated of the freeze-proved and crash-resistant material. Alkaline accumulator batteries ensure a safe and uninterrupted electric system operation of transport vehicles compared with alternative battery types.
LT (LiFePO4)
KH range
KM range
KL range