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  2. Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

Lithium Iron Phosphate storage batteriesЛітій-іонні акумуляторні батареї

Since 1998, LLC ADS has been the manufacturer of prismatic alkaline storage batteries with a nickel anode, made in various sizes and capacitive ratings, and used in many areas of industry, energetic, transport, and other equipment. Up to date, we have gained a proven experience and engineering capabilities in the area of manufacturing storage batteries.

For many years our Company has been in constant development and striving for innovative energy storage technologies in order to satisfy the growing needs of the customers and overall electrical power market.

Lithium iron phosphate batteries technology is one of our development direction. Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as cathode material offers high electrochemical features and low internal resistance.

Lithium iron phosphate batteries offer an extending lifetime, increasing energy density, improving safety, and increasing charging speed.

The electrochemical technology of lithium-iron-phosphate cells is often chosen to replace lead- acid technology. Four lithium-iron-phosphate cells provide a voltage of 12.8V which is similar to the voltage provided by six lead- acid cells of 2V each.

Since 2020 we have started assembling the lithium iron phosphate batteries with lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as a cathode material.

The whole range of the product “ADS lithium technology” is assembled with Chinese top quality component parts at own production area located in Ukraine, Lviv Region that ascertains the purchasing of qualitative lithium iron phosphate cells by lowest price without any dealer’s fee.

The lithium iron phosphate batteries with a voltage of 12V and 48V are designed to be utilized instead of lead- acid electrochemical technology.


Key advantages of lithium iron phosphate technology:

You may learn more about the features of lithium iron phosphate batteries using the link below.

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Nickel-cadmium accumulator batteries are highly requested where the following is required:

  • Extended service life
  • Heavy-duty service
  • Top reliability
  • Restricted control


The product range is certified in Ukraine


3-5 years, depending on the type of accumulator

Service life

20-25 years at permanent sites, 10-15 years on transport carriers